Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holidays - 2008

Well...The holidays are upon us. I guess this wonderful time of year has inspired me to finally work on this blog. I am so thankful for my wonderful family that I thought I should start sharing more of our little life with the world.

Lucas is two and half months old and I can not believe how quickly the time has gone. He is quickly growing up and I already find myself wondering what happened to my little peanut and how did he get so the way. He is wearing 6 month sleepers. The little string bean is long. It is really funny because the feet in his newest pjs have grips. Like he might just get up and run away.

Well I am going to try from here on to keep this blog at least reasonably updated with photos and stories of the life al la Tolley...

Take care and I wish everyone a wonderful holiday season.